
empty pockets

Safety Guidelines

This list is comprised of suggestion for safety and security in your adventure abroad. All are important to consider wherever you travel.

Be alert

  • Be alert to your surroundings and the people with whom you have contact.
  • Be wary of people who seem overly friendly or interested in you.
  • Be cautious about giving out your street address, phone number, or e-mail address to new acquaintances.
  • Learn which areas of town should be avoided. If you find yourself in uncomfortable surroundings, act confident.
  • Be prepared for an emergency.
  • Have phone numbers of contacts handy at all times.
  • Know how to reach a doctor, a hospital or clinic, and the police in the country in which you are traveling.
  • Have sufficient funds or a credit card on hand for emergencies —especially purchasing a train or airline ticket, or medical care.

Blend in

  • Do not dress or behave in a manner that will easily identify you as a tourist.
  • Integrate yourself as fully as possible into the community.
  • Be sensitive about what you photograph.

Stay informed

  • Review U.S. State Department Travel Advisories concerning the countries or region to which you will be traveling.
  • Keep informed through radio and television broadcasts and by reading the newspaper.

Avoid theft

  • Keep valuable items in a safe place. Lockup valuables in the hotel safe when touring a city.
  • Don’t take non-essential items such as expensive jewelry abroad with you. If you can’t replace it, don’t bring it.
  • Don’t keep all of your documents and money in one suitcase or location on your person.
  • Don’t flash large amounts of money. Carry and use small bills whenever possible preferably in a neck wallet next to your skin.
  • Be well-prepared for purchases when traveling.
  • Be discrete in displaying your passport when necessary.
  • Carry your purse or wallet so that it cannot be easily taken, especially in public transportation and other crowded public places. We recommend using a neck wallet for your money, credit cards.
  • Do not carry anything valuable in the back pocket or your backpack.
  • Do not leave your bags unattended (even briefly!) in an airport, bus or train station.
  • Go out on the town with a buddy.


  • Be alert to the possibility of theft while abroad. American tourists are easily identified and usually a bit naive. Taking a few simple precautions, however, can reduce the likelihood of losing your billfold.
  • If possible, don’t look like you have money. Empty your wallet of all extraneous material, such as credit cards and membership cards you can’t use while away. Don’t be seen in public with wads of money. It is not desirable to hide all your money, since a violent assailant will assume you are carrying at least some money. Keep enough in your billfold to pacify him. No amount of money is worth losing your life over. Don’t resist, antagonize, or argue with an assailant.
  • Do not keep anything valuable in your rear pants pocket, where even a button can easily be ripped off without your knowledge. Coins should be carried in a coin purse, in one front pants pocket, to avoid casual loss and prevent jingling when you walk.
  • Carry some local currency and a few dollar bills, enough for the day, in your front pockets. This will make it harder for pickpockets.
  • The conventional money belt, to be strapped around the waist and worn beneath clothing, is available at many stores. This is the best way to carry most of your money. However, don’t keep your day-to-day money here. Reaching for your money belt at the register isn’t smart and defeats the purpose of keeping it hidden.

Ski With Pride • Watch All Sides • Let It Ride
First with Safety Awareness

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10818 Viacha Dr., San Diego, CA 92124, 858-467-9469

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Site designed & maintained by Graphic Dezignz. Last updated October 17, 2017.

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