Jimmie Heuga Wine Maker Dinner
September 29, 2012
Event • Wines • Menu • Photos •
• Dinner Program [pdf file] • Over the Years [excel spreadsheet] •
The Wines-
Executive Chef Mary Trimmins and Sous Chef Gene Fulkerson did a fantastic job
creating the perfect course for each of the donated wines.
The wine that has been donated this year is outstanding and each was perfectly paired with one course. As in the past, the following wineries have generously donated some wonderful wines. Rémy Cointreau, Trinchero Family Estates, Hope Family Wines and Solé Water have donated wines just about every year. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
- In addition, water is being donated by Solé Water.
And while the event is over, it's never too late to donate to this worthwhile organization. Just send your check made out to Can Do MS for any amount to
Gene Fulkerson, 10818 Viacha Dr., San Diego, CA 92124.